Friday 27 April 2012


View more presentations from mabelpearce.


Who would be your audience for your media product?
How do you attract/address your audience?

For our media product we intend our target audience to be boys aged from eighteen to thirty. We had to put the audience age ranged up high in the teens as gangster genre of films usually have swearing and violent behaviour which may have graphic scence for younger teens. We wanted our film to be the same as other films we analysis like ‘snatch’ ‘Lock stock’ and ‘football factory’. When I did our questionnaire within the class I found all the boys I asked who all my age (sixteen) have watch gangster films which we have analysis and they all enjoyed them and they liked the storyline to each of the films. They all like the main actors in the films like Jason Statham, Danny Dyer, and Vinnie Jones so if we were able to get these actors for our two minutes opening we would have more of our target audience viewing of the two minute clip. From my questionnaire that I asked I managed to find out what people do and don’t like about films. From this we were able to consider idea’s so we was able to reach the expectations of our target audience. In general people do enjoy having witty humour in their films, so within the opening we tried to have some lines for the audience to have a laugh at. We had the main character be basic common men throughout it so the target audience can relate to the opening. Such as the prop of stubbing out a cigarette, most people male and female smoke now or they are social smokers but either way they can relate to the smoking.
The location of the film is also a main element for the audience as then they can relate to local and average locations. In some films they spend a lot of money of a fancy location like exotic places aboard but they wouldn’t tie in with the genre of gangster. The fact that the locations for gangster films are so simple and original people can relate them as most people either live within a family area or near a council estate or they live near one. This can give the illusion that the kind of behaviour can actually be happening somewhere near, it makes it so believable.
Within my questionnaire I asked the audience whether or not they like the title of our film ‘crafty’. They all agreed that they liked our film and as it was very simple and easy to remember. Also they said that it has mystery to our name and it didn’t give away too much about what the film title was about. To address my audience I would have a trailer for this film played past night o’clock at night so it was past the time were children we be able to view it as it wouldn’t be suitable for their age range and also have the film trailer played at certificate eighteen film viewings at the cinema as then all the people in the viewing would be old enough to see our film and would be in the range for our target audience.


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

At the beginning of the two minute clip there is a close up of someone doing there coat up then it goes to them stubbing out there cigarette and then walking off, this automatically gives the audience the feeling that this character is going somewhere.  Meanwhile there is non diegetic music playing in the background whilst we are seeing the clips of the actor. Within the first thirty seconds we have been introduced to the main characters who are both men from this  assume that the target audience is more for men then women. The music which is played through out the clip the music is a drum and bass which has a fast beat to the track. From the type of music type we can then say it is more for a younger target audience of men than for older men. From within the first minute of the opening you can clearly establish who the target audience is.
When we hear the over voice speaking we hear a cockney accent from this we can maybe link this to other gangster genre films like snatch and lock stock and two smoking barrels, and football factory. The actors are wearing leather jackets with black trousers and what we see of a shirt and a tie, this shows us that they are formal but with the title of ‘crafty’ this shows the audience that they are up to no good. This would be a good representation of men hat they are formally dressed and that we haven’t yet seen them do anything bad.  The fact that the whole clip has only man actors throughout this is a key factor that the film would be more targeted for males than females.
When the clip cuts to a two shot characters Vinnie and Tommy walking together we assume that these two are working together and about to go somewhere to do something. We assume this of who closely they are walking together and that they are friends. 


View more presentations from mabelpearce.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


For the non diegetic music playing within the background of our two minute open clip we had trouble trying to find a suitable piece of music that would try in with the genre of films. the music in the background of the clip is an main part on the conventions of the genre so we had to make sure that the music was the right otherwise it would mess up the whole opening. Within my group we all decided that a more up beat sort of drum bass piece of music was the sort we was looking for but it was a lot harder than we thought it would be as we needed to find a copyright free song. We all tried out different websites but all the songs was to drum and bass and not that well suit to the film as we didn't want the music to steal the attention from what was happening on screen we wanted a piece of music to complement the opening. Ryan was the one who found the music in the end of some website that had copy free songs, there was some voice note within the clip but we managed to delete that past out and the clip was too short for the opening so we just copied to carry on playing longer.

Friday 9 March 2012

first filming session

This shot is taken from are first trial of doing some filming. This is one of the locations we shot in and we found this successful. We did try out several different types of shot types and even used one camera movement in a certain camera shot. We didn't really have a plan of what we going to do in this filming session or we didn't know what we was doing but we just had a play around and managed to take some successful shots we plan on using in the opening. When we was filming we realized we couldn't film to much in one location as we planned on have the opening start as if it was following character a and b movement. The filming was successful as the actors was able to access the costume we planned on them wearing in the opening. 
I think for next time we go out filming we shall plan out what we intend to get film and what movement and shot types we shall be using.

Friday 2 March 2012

analyse data

Analyse data and how will impact production; When we got in our group we all decided that gangster genre would be the easiest for us all and we was all happy with, we all had idea's that we wanted to share and wanted to have our input heard and involved with our final piece. after doing some research of our genre and finding out more about what conventions are needed and what storyline are like for this genre our idea's changed. After analysis four opening of films that had genre of gangster we decided we like how the opening of Green Street had no evidence to what the film was about or what was happening or what genre the film was. The film Football factory had a different element to it of having a narrated voice-over near the end explaining what was happening and telling us about what was happening on screen. After watching the opening we all decided the best location for our opening would be outside as that is where all the other films was located but not somewhere the public eye couldn't see to much as during these films there is usually some sort of dodgy deals happening. We did an location shoot outside school and we found a perfect location where we could film majority of our opening. When we did our location shoot we also experimented different camera movements which was useful as it allowed us to see what would be good or not good for when we actually did our filming to give us an idea. The actors that are usually involved in gangster genre films are; Jason Statham, Danny Dyer,Frank Harper etc. These are all celebrities so it would be very hard to get one of these to be in our openings so we are using people in our group. Most of the films are located in London so we have decided that our actors shall have a cockney accent when they have some dialogue to say also the narrator shall have a cockney accent.


shotlist 2

shot types

These shots are the first seven from our storyboard. This what we plan on doing but this might change whilst filming as it might look better doing it different ways. Within the thirty eight seconds of our two minute opening we only really see Vinnie as he is the main character but then the character 'Tommy' is introduced.


Vinnie (voiceover); Well here is Vinnie a young man, one hell of a grafter. This man could sell sand to the Arab’s, snow to the Eskimos and tax to the government he is so crafty. Yeah certainly brain of the operations.
(Shot changes to character Tommy)
Not like Tommy he is what we call a bit of a wet towel, completely and utterly useless but he is a smooth talker with the ladies. God knows why with a face like that (Freeze-frame photo of Tommy looking rough). We always reckon he was a mummy’s boy.

(On screen talking now)
Vinnie; Tommy what do you see around here?
Tommy; Nothing much Vinnie, buildings houses streets
Vinnie; No Tommy, it is an ocean around here, and it is full of sharks Rule number 10 NEVER TRUST NO-ONE
Voiceover; Tommy is Vinnie’s best friend and Tommy looks up to Vinnie like an older brother but he would never cross him. Vinnie is teaching Tommy rules of the way.
Tommy; What was rule number nine again Vinnie
(Voiceover) like I said Vinnie is the brains of the operation.

Thursday 1 March 2012

story board

finial film name

For the film title we decided to have the same font as it suits the title crafty. It also adds edge to the title which could make the film seem more intriguing to watch. When I first saw this font it reminded me of a stamp like something dodgy has been stamp so i thought the title matched the font very well.

titles fonts

film name

Film Name;
For our film name we wanted ot have something that describes and sums up the whole film. We like how the film 'Snatch' has a catchy and simple name and summarise the film in the title. We want an one syllable title as it would stick in people's head a lot more easier. Also we didn't want to give to much away about what happens in the film as it would leave no suspension for audience as they watch the film. we have decided on the name 'crafty' as it sums the film up and also sums up the character Vinnie as what he does for a living.

character images

The top image is the person that shall be playing Vinnie and the bottom image is the person who shall be playing Tommy.

character profile extras

Character profile; Extra
Within the first two minute of the film you are either introduced to all the characters that are involved with the film or just the one main character. Within our two minutes opening clip we shall be introduce to our two main characters. We shall also be having people as extra as the potential buys when ‘Vinnie’ and ‘Tommy’ show up to sell their dodgy goods. These customers shall be waiting in destination that is a regular place that the deals are taken place. The fact that they are waiting for Vinnie and Tommy to shows that this is a regular thing that’s happens and they are good deals that they are doing. The extra won’t have any dialogue they might cheer when Vinnie and tommy shows but apart from that they won’t be saying anything as they won’t e shown at all later on in the film. They are a key element to the opening as it shows that the business that main character do is successful despite the fact it is dodgy.

character profile tommy

Character profile;Tommy 
Tommy is Vinnie’s best friend and always has and will always be. Tommy doesn’t have much of a backbone when he has to face other people but as he is always on Vinnie side he knows he is safe. Tommy doesn’t have many brains and let Vinnie do the entire mind work but Tommy is usually sent to do the drop offs or pickups. Tommy is more of the ladies man and he isn’t the type to ever get married or have children. Tommy is a mummy’s boy and still lives at home and his mum is the only female he respects. Tommy would be lost without Vinnie and wouldn’t even know how to sell an item to customer at a reasonable price. Tommy can speak to women and pick them up easy but finds it very hard to sell good. Tommy gets Vinnie in more trouble than Vinnie needs to be getting involved in but somehow Vinnie always manages to get out of it. Tommy is involved with the scenes that Vinnie’s is but Vinnie’s is shown more as he is more the main character but Tommy is alright with this as he knows he is Vinnie’s main man. The same as Vinnie Tommy’s face isn’t seen as we are trying to hide both of their identity till the ending of the two minute clip. You won’t hear Tommy’s voice but he has a cockney accent too like Vinnie but not as strong.

character profile vinnie

Character profile; Vinnie
The main character Vinnie is shown through-out the opening as he is one out of two main characters. Vinnie is like jack the lad he knows everyone and everyone knows him, may not know is name but now his face. He tells everyone his name is Vinnie but actually he had a Christian name like Vivian. He doesn’t like to be known as a friendly person but anyone that is close to him knows he is caring person really. He is the type of person that is likely to have all sisters as siblings and be very protecting of them all. He is known from his voice as he has a very distinctive cockney accent. He is a very good at selling his dodgy good to the public, Vinnie hates to be asked questions and having to explain himself but most f all he hates the police and they hate him, but luckily he hasn’t been caught for doing anything yet. Vinnie doesn’t go very far without his friend ‘Tommy’ Vinnie is defiantly the brains of the two and the success he can sell anything to anyone at a price they wouldn’t even blink an eye. Vinnie is a lads lad but he respects women and is likely t have a wife and one or two children and have a boy and a girl, but he wouldn’t let them ever get involved with his deals. None messes with Vinnie and if they do they are left with a mark to remind them not to mess with him again. He is about early thirty’s and would be big build but not pumped. Vinnie is the only one that speaks throughout the whole opening as most of it we as the audience are following where Vinnie and Tommy are heading and when we reach the destination Vinnie speaks and the clip ends. We don’t get to see Vinnie’s face throughout as we want to keep his identity hidden to keep the audience in the dark about who is he is also as Vinnie isn’t the type of person who wants people to see his face.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

We have decided on this font as it suits the film genre we have gone for gangster but it also stands out well for people to see. This is beneficial as people can see what company has help produce and distribute the film. Usually film companies only focus on certain genre and that is what our film company shall be only focusing on gangster genre films.

company fonts


Film company names;
We wanted to have a company name that we all agreed on and that means something to us as a group working together as a team. We did look at just plain usual names like right view or enjoy but they was to simple and plain. We decided on LRMC films as it is the initials of all are names put together. We didn’t want to have a name that would be to long as people would shortened it down to something a lot more easier to say, that’s is why we have gone for just our initials for our company’s name. The fact that we are all involved in the company’s name shows that we have all had an input towards the clip and we are all involved and working well was a team.

film companies names

Saturday 11 February 2012

We did a location shot and whilst doing so we tried out some different camera angles and movement that we could use in our tow minute opening. The two video that I like the most I have uploaded on my blog. The one that is an close up in feet I think is an interesting shot as it make you as the audience want to know whose feet they are and why they have stopped. In our group we decide we wanted to keep the character faces hidden until near the end of the clip shows this shot would be idea as it doesn't give away the character identity. In the other clip I have uploaded it is an camera movement of having the camera on the person as they walk. I like this idea as it could tie in as we are creating the effect that the audience is watching where the character is going. This shot would be idea as it is from a different angle the audience is viewing from.

shot testing

shot video

location video

location shoot

Friday 10 February 2012

costume ideas

Props; For our opening props aren't a key element. We having the character Vinnie and Tommy walk to a certain location to sell some stolen good they have managed to get (we don't ever find out as the audience who, how and when the goods were stolen) hold of, but even though that is what they are going to do we don't see the goods within the first two minutes. The only props we might have is a mobile phone that maybe Vinnie or Tommy uses to ring someone or a pretend cigarette. As they are selling dodgy good they are going to have a bit of money so we might see some money that Vinnie or Tommy has. Also as they thug's so they might carry a weapon as the solve thing using violence, but we haven't decided that they shall be carrying a weapon as more things shall be illegal to have in a public place.


Tuesday 7 February 2012


questionaire feedback

From the questionnaire that i went round asking people within the target audience range i thought would best suit my film genre i asked a mixture of boys and girls. From the results i have learnt that boys are more interested in fact pace action films than girlie chick flick, i already assumed this information but i wasn't sure. They like the idea of not knowing to much about the film within the opening and liked the thought of being in suspension, this gives me the idea that within our opening i shall not give the storyline. Some people liked the fact that the actors within the film are well known so if i had a big budget and effort more well known actors than we would but as we have had to use people within our group we have tried our best to make sure they resemble the style of actor we would use. The title we have choose was also very successful and people like it as it was 'catchy' and easy to remember. The questionnaire made me realise that not just boys like fast pace action packed film girls does too but not as much as boys do.


What is your favourite type of film genre? romantic:||| comedy:|||| horror:||| gangster:||||| Why is it you like it?; laugh enjoyable:|||| classic type of film and it is face pace with action:||||| cute:||| social:|| uplifting:| Is the actors who are involved in the films an main impact whether or not you watch the film? yes:|||||||||| no:||||| other:- How often do you watch films? weekly:||||||||||| daily:|||| With an opening of a film what do you like to know? the whole storyline:- who the main character's are:||||||| or nothing being left in the dark, having suspension:|||||||| Do you like the title 'CRAFTY'? yes:|||||||||||| no:|| Why? catchy:||||||| simple:|| has mystery:||| other:||| to obvious of a name:| doesn't some to exciting:||

target audience

evaluation of film anaylysis

Evaluation of film analysis
After analysing four different films opening with the same genre of ‘gangster’ it has helped me realise what conventions are needs to make up a gangster genre film. Gangster genre films aren’t high budget locations as they are more family located area such as a housing estate or in a public places such as a pub. But due to the props that are need in the film and the stunt scenes and the action pack fighting scene that happen throughout these film this all adds up which makes them a high budget film to make. The props within in the films are and main impact and important to film and help make up the genre such as weapons cigarette alcohol, drugs etc. The actors within the film are well known for being involved with gangster genre of films; Danny Dyer, Vinnie Jones, Jason Statham, and Frank Harper. The films are based round a group of hooligans what they do in their free time or as a living and what they believe in. From two of the four opening hat I analysis we find out what is happening on the screen and give us an idea what shall be happening later on in the film. We find out who the main character are or who is more likely to be involved as they are shown a lot more than other characters. From one of the opening we don’t find out too much about the character just a bit about him background and where is from and where is going whilst being in an airport. I liked this opening the best (Green street) as it left the audience in suspense of what shall be happening later on in the film. From this I have thought maybe we shall leave the audience to our opening in the dark about which the characters are what they are doing. This leaves the audience in suspense and wanting to find out more about our opening. It also creates tension with shall be happening in the clip. Within the clips they also have some sort of action if it is fighting or tension between other characters which shows that there shall be some sort of action later on in the films. The films are mainly aimed at men and the characters are mainly men which also give the feeling that the films are aimed at men. Analysing the opening of the films have given me a better understanding of the genre and the conventions that are need to make my own opening look good and suit with the genre well. It has also give me inspiration what I can do for my own opening with my group.

green street analysis

Is the genre established? What is it?
No within the first two minutes you don't understand what the genre of the film, but from your own knowledge if you have watch this film you would know it is an gangster genre film with British realism involved. The opening of the film give no hints or clue to what the genre is.
How is the genre is the genre established? What conventions?
We don't find out what the genre is from the opening but we seeing that he is moving from one country to another then swaps some money other he is has some important role.Also from the voice over within in the airport he is at it is an British airport.
What else does the audience find out from the first two minutes?
We find out that is moving as he had nothing to keep him in his own country that maybe he is starting out fresh. We also found out who the main character is as he is the only person in the camera shots. as he is alone and he is in an airport we start to think why is he leaving is he running away from something or is it his own choice?
How do we find this out?
The fact he is moving by himself either give us the conclusion that he has no family or friends that wanted to come with him or he is going over to visit some family. The main person within this two minute clip we assume he is the main character as there is only him that we see within the shot as we as the audience we as sort of following this character move and watching where is moving to. When we see the man exchanged his money up we assume that money shall be a key factor within this film as we as the audience have a zoom in close up to how much money he has and what his exchanging up. Also we known the character is originally from America as he has an American accent as later on within the clip we here him narrate what he is doing this makes us think he is the main character.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

snatch anaylsis

Is the genre established? What is it?
Yes the genre is established within the first two minutes, it is a gangster and we think it is a British realism based film too but actual of fact the film is an American funded film.
How is the genre established? What conventions?
Straight about we guess the film is going to have some sort of action involved from the up beat background music. We are then shown several different clips of different characters through-out the clip. Through the different clips we see props from like diamonds to guns to money to some characters undress themselves from the outfits they have been wearing to covering themselves up with- this gives the idea they have been involved with something that they don't want there identity involved. Seeing this this gives the audience the feel that there is some dodgy deals going on within different social groups/gangs. The props being used in this film are the main conventions for this film and the way they have been shown.
What else does the audience find out within the first two minutes?
Usually within the first two minutes of a film we as the audience find out who the main character is and what type of role they shall been playing. From the first two minutes we find out there is a lot of character who shall be involved in some sort of dealing. Which also makes assume that they aren't all working together and helping one another out. We assumes some sort of death shall be involved or gun scene as they use the prop of a gun a fair amount. Also there is an automatic vibe that the majority of the action that shall be taking place on this film shall be illegal.
How do we find this out?
We assume that it is some sort of stolen goods that is being passed from person to person from the title 'snatch', also the way the opening has been edited it seems that some goods are being passed through people or they are being snatch from one another. Usually when a gun is involved within in the opening it is being used as a statement that its shall have some role as being used as a weapon later on in the film. The location of the films are also very isolated places where they are hiding from other people of keeping their business which helps the audience guess the genre. If you have watched this film or already known a bit about the film you might know it is a  'Guy Richie film' and we base other films he has been involved in it helps give the audience that the film is going to be a gangster genre like his previous film 'Snatch'.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

there is something about mary anaylsis

There's Somthing About Mary
Is the genre established? What is it?
The opening of the film starts of with a a man sitting in a tree singing a song whilst the other man who is also sat in the tree is playing the gutair. From this we assume the film to be a comdey film but due to the lyrics of the song he is siging we assume that the film shall be romanti genre too.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
 From the text cutting across the screen introducing the actors and the directors and the man siging in the background the font is pink and blubbly which shows that film shall be a comdey. The whole element that the man is in a tree and he is siging shows that there shall be some comdey and the lyrics being 'there's something about Mary'to match the title shows the romance. then the clip then cuts to ben stiller who we sterotype to be involved wiht a funny film.
What else does the audience find out from the first two minutes?
The film shall be funny due to the actors- Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz and they are more well know character so maybe they shall be the main character within the film. Also actor Lee Evans is involved which helps give the conclusion it shall be funny. Also during the shot the man sitting and singing in the tree alot of people are walking past and they look like student. This clip is set in a busy area.
How does the audience find this out?
From the passing people we could think that it is set in a local park where there would be passing people people of set within the school ground. When the clip cuts to Ben Stiller and we see him from after just viewing the man in the tree singing we know that he must be the main character and the film shall be based around him life story within the him. Also from his appearance we know he isnt playing a character who is older- his own age, he is playing young charcter student maybe? But from the first two minutes we don't have any clue to who Mary is and we don't see her at all. The only hint we have is that Cameron Diaz is in the film and she is well known actress and usually more of a main charcter which could leave us with the idea she shall be playing Mary.

arlington road analysis

Arlington Road
Is the genre established? What is it?
We can't tell what the genre is from the first two miuntes, but there is blood involved with a young boy holding his arm. from this we assume that it might be horror/crime.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
Within the begging clip there is very bright nautal day lightening and we are in the middle of a family house estate, with a boy walking in the middle of the road. The boys arm is covered in blood and he is craddleing his arm as he is in pain. From the blood we assume that horror/thriller genre would be possible but due to the natural and the family estate we assume that is is a thriller. This opening could be argueable as there is alot of blood on the boy which is a horror but due to the setting and lightening it could be a thriller genre.
What else does the audience find out in the first two minutes?
From the first two minutes we meet the little boy who is injuried and asumme that he shall be one of the main character but infact he is just a crutial element to the film. We also meet the man who saves the little boy and takes him to the hospital, who is the protaganist.
How does the audience find this out?
Seeing the man who doesn't even know the boy (we known this as he doesn't know him name) takes the boy and try to get him to hosiptal to stop him from being pain and help him when he doesn't have too. We assume that boy charcter both live within the estate as they both are walking and driving around within the estate.

skelton key anaylsis

Skelton Key
Is the genre established? What is it?
Within the first two minutes of clip we don't establish what the genre is of the film, we can narrow down the posiblities to what genre it could be;horror, drama or adventure.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
The music at the beggining is western so we asume that the location is more of a quiet place than busy. The lighting setting is natural daily light and within the first two minutes we see death so we assume that the film will have deaths involved but won't be grumsome. Having death within the first two minutes makes the audience assume there will be more deaths through out the rest of the film.
What else does the audience find out from the first two minutes?
We meet the main character who is Kate Hudson who is known for more romantic comdemy films and more happier films.Kate Hudson also works wihtin a hospice with people who are dying around her and have no family- we make the assumption that her work place with be involved trhoughout the rest of the film. Also we sahll knwo that death shall be shown out trhoughout the rest of the film.
How does the audience find this out?
We as the audince know that the film will have relevancew to the hospice as there is a clip of when Kate Hudson has to chuck away the dead people belonggings who have no family. From this we also sense that loneliness is going to be also playing it part with the film too. From this we alos know that Kate Hudson typical film genre of romance shall be not involved, and if it is it isn't till later on in the film.

Friday 20 January 2012

pleminary task video

main task

Main task; The titles and opening of a new fiction film (maximum 2 mins).

pleminary exercise

Pleminary exercise; Continvity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair oppsite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shit reverse shot and the hundred and eighty degree rule.