Tuesday 7 February 2012

evaluation of film anaylysis

Evaluation of film analysis
After analysing four different films opening with the same genre of ‘gangster’ it has helped me realise what conventions are needs to make up a gangster genre film. Gangster genre films aren’t high budget locations as they are more family located area such as a housing estate or in a public places such as a pub. But due to the props that are need in the film and the stunt scenes and the action pack fighting scene that happen throughout these film this all adds up which makes them a high budget film to make. The props within in the films are and main impact and important to film and help make up the genre such as weapons cigarette alcohol, drugs etc. The actors within the film are well known for being involved with gangster genre of films; Danny Dyer, Vinnie Jones, Jason Statham, and Frank Harper. The films are based round a group of hooligans what they do in their free time or as a living and what they believe in. From two of the four opening hat I analysis we find out what is happening on the screen and give us an idea what shall be happening later on in the film. We find out who the main character are or who is more likely to be involved as they are shown a lot more than other characters. From one of the opening we don’t find out too much about the character just a bit about him background and where is from and where is going whilst being in an airport. I liked this opening the best (Green street) as it left the audience in suspense of what shall be happening later on in the film. From this I have thought maybe we shall leave the audience to our opening in the dark about which the characters are what they are doing. This leaves the audience in suspense and wanting to find out more about our opening. It also creates tension with shall be happening in the clip. Within the clips they also have some sort of action if it is fighting or tension between other characters which shows that there shall be some sort of action later on in the films. The films are mainly aimed at men and the characters are mainly men which also give the feeling that the films are aimed at men. Analysing the opening of the films have given me a better understanding of the genre and the conventions that are need to make my own opening look good and suit with the genre well. It has also give me inspiration what I can do for my own opening with my group.

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