Friday 9 March 2012

first filming session

This shot is taken from are first trial of doing some filming. This is one of the locations we shot in and we found this successful. We did try out several different types of shot types and even used one camera movement in a certain camera shot. We didn't really have a plan of what we going to do in this filming session or we didn't know what we was doing but we just had a play around and managed to take some successful shots we plan on using in the opening. When we was filming we realized we couldn't film to much in one location as we planned on have the opening start as if it was following character a and b movement. The filming was successful as the actors was able to access the costume we planned on them wearing in the opening. 
I think for next time we go out filming we shall plan out what we intend to get film and what movement and shot types we shall be using.

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