Tuesday 24 January 2012

skelton key anaylsis

Skelton Key
Is the genre established? What is it?
Within the first two minutes of clip we don't establish what the genre is of the film, we can narrow down the posiblities to what genre it could be;horror, drama or adventure.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
The music at the beggining is western so we asume that the location is more of a quiet place than busy. The lighting setting is natural daily light and within the first two minutes we see death so we assume that the film will have deaths involved but won't be grumsome. Having death within the first two minutes makes the audience assume there will be more deaths through out the rest of the film.
What else does the audience find out from the first two minutes?
We meet the main character who is Kate Hudson who is known for more romantic comdemy films and more happier films.Kate Hudson also works wihtin a hospice with people who are dying around her and have no family- we make the assumption that her work place with be involved trhoughout the rest of the film. Also we sahll knwo that death shall be shown out trhoughout the rest of the film.
How does the audience find this out?
We as the audince know that the film will have relevancew to the hospice as there is a clip of when Kate Hudson has to chuck away the dead people belonggings who have no family. From this we also sense that loneliness is going to be also playing it part with the film too. From this we alos know that Kate Hudson typical film genre of romance shall be not involved, and if it is it isn't till later on in the film.

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