Friday 27 April 2012


View more presentations from mabelpearce.


Who would be your audience for your media product?
How do you attract/address your audience?

For our media product we intend our target audience to be boys aged from eighteen to thirty. We had to put the audience age ranged up high in the teens as gangster genre of films usually have swearing and violent behaviour which may have graphic scence for younger teens. We wanted our film to be the same as other films we analysis like ‘snatch’ ‘Lock stock’ and ‘football factory’. When I did our questionnaire within the class I found all the boys I asked who all my age (sixteen) have watch gangster films which we have analysis and they all enjoyed them and they liked the storyline to each of the films. They all like the main actors in the films like Jason Statham, Danny Dyer, and Vinnie Jones so if we were able to get these actors for our two minutes opening we would have more of our target audience viewing of the two minute clip. From my questionnaire that I asked I managed to find out what people do and don’t like about films. From this we were able to consider idea’s so we was able to reach the expectations of our target audience. In general people do enjoy having witty humour in their films, so within the opening we tried to have some lines for the audience to have a laugh at. We had the main character be basic common men throughout it so the target audience can relate to the opening. Such as the prop of stubbing out a cigarette, most people male and female smoke now or they are social smokers but either way they can relate to the smoking.
The location of the film is also a main element for the audience as then they can relate to local and average locations. In some films they spend a lot of money of a fancy location like exotic places aboard but they wouldn’t tie in with the genre of gangster. The fact that the locations for gangster films are so simple and original people can relate them as most people either live within a family area or near a council estate or they live near one. This can give the illusion that the kind of behaviour can actually be happening somewhere near, it makes it so believable.
Within my questionnaire I asked the audience whether or not they like the title of our film ‘crafty’. They all agreed that they liked our film and as it was very simple and easy to remember. Also they said that it has mystery to our name and it didn’t give away too much about what the film title was about. To address my audience I would have a trailer for this film played past night o’clock at night so it was past the time were children we be able to view it as it wouldn’t be suitable for their age range and also have the film trailer played at certificate eighteen film viewings at the cinema as then all the people in the viewing would be old enough to see our film and would be in the range for our target audience.


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

At the beginning of the two minute clip there is a close up of someone doing there coat up then it goes to them stubbing out there cigarette and then walking off, this automatically gives the audience the feeling that this character is going somewhere.  Meanwhile there is non diegetic music playing in the background whilst we are seeing the clips of the actor. Within the first thirty seconds we have been introduced to the main characters who are both men from this  assume that the target audience is more for men then women. The music which is played through out the clip the music is a drum and bass which has a fast beat to the track. From the type of music type we can then say it is more for a younger target audience of men than for older men. From within the first minute of the opening you can clearly establish who the target audience is.
When we hear the over voice speaking we hear a cockney accent from this we can maybe link this to other gangster genre films like snatch and lock stock and two smoking barrels, and football factory. The actors are wearing leather jackets with black trousers and what we see of a shirt and a tie, this shows us that they are formal but with the title of ‘crafty’ this shows the audience that they are up to no good. This would be a good representation of men hat they are formally dressed and that we haven’t yet seen them do anything bad.  The fact that the whole clip has only man actors throughout this is a key factor that the film would be more targeted for males than females.
When the clip cuts to a two shot characters Vinnie and Tommy walking together we assume that these two are working together and about to go somewhere to do something. We assume this of who closely they are walking together and that they are friends. 


View more presentations from mabelpearce.

Wednesday 18 April 2012


For the non diegetic music playing within the background of our two minute open clip we had trouble trying to find a suitable piece of music that would try in with the genre of films. the music in the background of the clip is an main part on the conventions of the genre so we had to make sure that the music was the right otherwise it would mess up the whole opening. Within my group we all decided that a more up beat sort of drum bass piece of music was the sort we was looking for but it was a lot harder than we thought it would be as we needed to find a copyright free song. We all tried out different websites but all the songs was to drum and bass and not that well suit to the film as we didn't want the music to steal the attention from what was happening on screen we wanted a piece of music to complement the opening. Ryan was the one who found the music in the end of some website that had copy free songs, there was some voice note within the clip but we managed to delete that past out and the clip was too short for the opening so we just copied to carry on playing longer.