Friday 9 March 2012

first filming session

This shot is taken from are first trial of doing some filming. This is one of the locations we shot in and we found this successful. We did try out several different types of shot types and even used one camera movement in a certain camera shot. We didn't really have a plan of what we going to do in this filming session or we didn't know what we was doing but we just had a play around and managed to take some successful shots we plan on using in the opening. When we was filming we realized we couldn't film to much in one location as we planned on have the opening start as if it was following character a and b movement. The filming was successful as the actors was able to access the costume we planned on them wearing in the opening. 
I think for next time we go out filming we shall plan out what we intend to get film and what movement and shot types we shall be using.

Friday 2 March 2012

analyse data

Analyse data and how will impact production; When we got in our group we all decided that gangster genre would be the easiest for us all and we was all happy with, we all had idea's that we wanted to share and wanted to have our input heard and involved with our final piece. after doing some research of our genre and finding out more about what conventions are needed and what storyline are like for this genre our idea's changed. After analysis four opening of films that had genre of gangster we decided we like how the opening of Green Street had no evidence to what the film was about or what was happening or what genre the film was. The film Football factory had a different element to it of having a narrated voice-over near the end explaining what was happening and telling us about what was happening on screen. After watching the opening we all decided the best location for our opening would be outside as that is where all the other films was located but not somewhere the public eye couldn't see to much as during these films there is usually some sort of dodgy deals happening. We did an location shoot outside school and we found a perfect location where we could film majority of our opening. When we did our location shoot we also experimented different camera movements which was useful as it allowed us to see what would be good or not good for when we actually did our filming to give us an idea. The actors that are usually involved in gangster genre films are; Jason Statham, Danny Dyer,Frank Harper etc. These are all celebrities so it would be very hard to get one of these to be in our openings so we are using people in our group. Most of the films are located in London so we have decided that our actors shall have a cockney accent when they have some dialogue to say also the narrator shall have a cockney accent.


shotlist 2

shot types

These shots are the first seven from our storyboard. This what we plan on doing but this might change whilst filming as it might look better doing it different ways. Within the thirty eight seconds of our two minute opening we only really see Vinnie as he is the main character but then the character 'Tommy' is introduced.


Vinnie (voiceover); Well here is Vinnie a young man, one hell of a grafter. This man could sell sand to the Arab’s, snow to the Eskimos and tax to the government he is so crafty. Yeah certainly brain of the operations.
(Shot changes to character Tommy)
Not like Tommy he is what we call a bit of a wet towel, completely and utterly useless but he is a smooth talker with the ladies. God knows why with a face like that (Freeze-frame photo of Tommy looking rough). We always reckon he was a mummy’s boy.

(On screen talking now)
Vinnie; Tommy what do you see around here?
Tommy; Nothing much Vinnie, buildings houses streets
Vinnie; No Tommy, it is an ocean around here, and it is full of sharks Rule number 10 NEVER TRUST NO-ONE
Voiceover; Tommy is Vinnie’s best friend and Tommy looks up to Vinnie like an older brother but he would never cross him. Vinnie is teaching Tommy rules of the way.
Tommy; What was rule number nine again Vinnie
(Voiceover) like I said Vinnie is the brains of the operation.

Thursday 1 March 2012

story board

finial film name

For the film title we decided to have the same font as it suits the title crafty. It also adds edge to the title which could make the film seem more intriguing to watch. When I first saw this font it reminded me of a stamp like something dodgy has been stamp so i thought the title matched the font very well.

titles fonts

film name

Film Name;
For our film name we wanted ot have something that describes and sums up the whole film. We like how the film 'Snatch' has a catchy and simple name and summarise the film in the title. We want an one syllable title as it would stick in people's head a lot more easier. Also we didn't want to give to much away about what happens in the film as it would leave no suspension for audience as they watch the film. we have decided on the name 'crafty' as it sums the film up and also sums up the character Vinnie as what he does for a living.

character images

The top image is the person that shall be playing Vinnie and the bottom image is the person who shall be playing Tommy.

character profile extras

Character profile; Extra
Within the first two minute of the film you are either introduced to all the characters that are involved with the film or just the one main character. Within our two minutes opening clip we shall be introduce to our two main characters. We shall also be having people as extra as the potential buys when ‘Vinnie’ and ‘Tommy’ show up to sell their dodgy goods. These customers shall be waiting in destination that is a regular place that the deals are taken place. The fact that they are waiting for Vinnie and Tommy to shows that this is a regular thing that’s happens and they are good deals that they are doing. The extra won’t have any dialogue they might cheer when Vinnie and tommy shows but apart from that they won’t be saying anything as they won’t e shown at all later on in the film. They are a key element to the opening as it shows that the business that main character do is successful despite the fact it is dodgy.

character profile tommy

Character profile;Tommy 
Tommy is Vinnie’s best friend and always has and will always be. Tommy doesn’t have much of a backbone when he has to face other people but as he is always on Vinnie side he knows he is safe. Tommy doesn’t have many brains and let Vinnie do the entire mind work but Tommy is usually sent to do the drop offs or pickups. Tommy is more of the ladies man and he isn’t the type to ever get married or have children. Tommy is a mummy’s boy and still lives at home and his mum is the only female he respects. Tommy would be lost without Vinnie and wouldn’t even know how to sell an item to customer at a reasonable price. Tommy can speak to women and pick them up easy but finds it very hard to sell good. Tommy gets Vinnie in more trouble than Vinnie needs to be getting involved in but somehow Vinnie always manages to get out of it. Tommy is involved with the scenes that Vinnie’s is but Vinnie’s is shown more as he is more the main character but Tommy is alright with this as he knows he is Vinnie’s main man. The same as Vinnie Tommy’s face isn’t seen as we are trying to hide both of their identity till the ending of the two minute clip. You won’t hear Tommy’s voice but he has a cockney accent too like Vinnie but not as strong.

character profile vinnie

Character profile; Vinnie
The main character Vinnie is shown through-out the opening as he is one out of two main characters. Vinnie is like jack the lad he knows everyone and everyone knows him, may not know is name but now his face. He tells everyone his name is Vinnie but actually he had a Christian name like Vivian. He doesn’t like to be known as a friendly person but anyone that is close to him knows he is caring person really. He is the type of person that is likely to have all sisters as siblings and be very protecting of them all. He is known from his voice as he has a very distinctive cockney accent. He is a very good at selling his dodgy good to the public, Vinnie hates to be asked questions and having to explain himself but most f all he hates the police and they hate him, but luckily he hasn’t been caught for doing anything yet. Vinnie doesn’t go very far without his friend ‘Tommy’ Vinnie is defiantly the brains of the two and the success he can sell anything to anyone at a price they wouldn’t even blink an eye. Vinnie is a lads lad but he respects women and is likely t have a wife and one or two children and have a boy and a girl, but he wouldn’t let them ever get involved with his deals. None messes with Vinnie and if they do they are left with a mark to remind them not to mess with him again. He is about early thirty’s and would be big build but not pumped. Vinnie is the only one that speaks throughout the whole opening as most of it we as the audience are following where Vinnie and Tommy are heading and when we reach the destination Vinnie speaks and the clip ends. We don’t get to see Vinnie’s face throughout as we want to keep his identity hidden to keep the audience in the dark about who is he is also as Vinnie isn’t the type of person who wants people to see his face.