Tuesday 24 January 2012

there is something about mary anaylsis

There's Somthing About Mary
Is the genre established? What is it?
The opening of the film starts of with a a man sitting in a tree singing a song whilst the other man who is also sat in the tree is playing the gutair. From this we assume the film to be a comdey film but due to the lyrics of the song he is siging we assume that the film shall be romanti genre too.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
 From the text cutting across the screen introducing the actors and the directors and the man siging in the background the font is pink and blubbly which shows that film shall be a comdey. The whole element that the man is in a tree and he is siging shows that there shall be some comdey and the lyrics being 'there's something about Mary'to match the title shows the romance. then the clip then cuts to ben stiller who we sterotype to be involved wiht a funny film.
What else does the audience find out from the first two minutes?
The film shall be funny due to the actors- Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz and they are more well know character so maybe they shall be the main character within the film. Also actor Lee Evans is involved which helps give the conclusion it shall be funny. Also during the shot the man sitting and singing in the tree alot of people are walking past and they look like student. This clip is set in a busy area.
How does the audience find this out?
From the passing people we could think that it is set in a local park where there would be passing people people of set within the school ground. When the clip cuts to Ben Stiller and we see him from after just viewing the man in the tree singing we know that he must be the main character and the film shall be based around him life story within the him. Also from his appearance we know he isnt playing a character who is older- his own age, he is playing young charcter student maybe? But from the first two minutes we don't have any clue to who Mary is and we don't see her at all. The only hint we have is that Cameron Diaz is in the film and she is well known actress and usually more of a main charcter which could leave us with the idea she shall be playing Mary.

arlington road analysis

Arlington Road
Is the genre established? What is it?
We can't tell what the genre is from the first two miuntes, but there is blood involved with a young boy holding his arm. from this we assume that it might be horror/crime.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
Within the begging clip there is very bright nautal day lightening and we are in the middle of a family house estate, with a boy walking in the middle of the road. The boys arm is covered in blood and he is craddleing his arm as he is in pain. From the blood we assume that horror/thriller genre would be possible but due to the natural and the family estate we assume that is is a thriller. This opening could be argueable as there is alot of blood on the boy which is a horror but due to the setting and lightening it could be a thriller genre.
What else does the audience find out in the first two minutes?
From the first two minutes we meet the little boy who is injuried and asumme that he shall be one of the main character but infact he is just a crutial element to the film. We also meet the man who saves the little boy and takes him to the hospital, who is the protaganist.
How does the audience find this out?
Seeing the man who doesn't even know the boy (we known this as he doesn't know him name) takes the boy and try to get him to hosiptal to stop him from being pain and help him when he doesn't have too. We assume that boy charcter both live within the estate as they both are walking and driving around within the estate.

skelton key anaylsis

Skelton Key
Is the genre established? What is it?
Within the first two minutes of clip we don't establish what the genre is of the film, we can narrow down the posiblities to what genre it could be;horror, drama or adventure.
How is the genre established? What conventions are used?
The music at the beggining is western so we asume that the location is more of a quiet place than busy. The lighting setting is natural daily light and within the first two minutes we see death so we assume that the film will have deaths involved but won't be grumsome. Having death within the first two minutes makes the audience assume there will be more deaths through out the rest of the film.
What else does the audience find out from the first two minutes?
We meet the main character who is Kate Hudson who is known for more romantic comdemy films and more happier films.Kate Hudson also works wihtin a hospice with people who are dying around her and have no family- we make the assumption that her work place with be involved trhoughout the rest of the film. Also we sahll knwo that death shall be shown out trhoughout the rest of the film.
How does the audience find this out?
We as the audince know that the film will have relevancew to the hospice as there is a clip of when Kate Hudson has to chuck away the dead people belonggings who have no family. From this we also sense that loneliness is going to be also playing it part with the film too. From this we alos know that Kate Hudson typical film genre of romance shall be not involved, and if it is it isn't till later on in the film.

Friday 20 January 2012

pleminary task video

main task

Main task; The titles and opening of a new fiction film (maximum 2 mins).

pleminary exercise

Pleminary exercise; Continvity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair oppsite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shit reverse shot and the hundred and eighty degree rule.